Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Valuable Tip to Enjoy Vacation to the Fullest

Case in point, I love to travel, but there are times when I feel I'm not enjoying my trip. I begin to miss things and then I started to miss people, then later negative things like worry creeps into my mind. It seems that it would take days or months for my mind to reap the pleasure of serenity. Hehehe. I think it takes time for our mind to steadily remove ourselves from our hectic days. Perhaps, it could be the sense of repetitives from work or our usual daily routines. Like worry about things I need to do at work. Did I forget something that I might get in trouble, or could things be a mess when I come back from vacation? It can be even worse when co-workers/boss calls you during your vacation to ask questions about things at work. How do you completely let go? How do you feel when work and vacation does not split? How do you completely tell people that you will be off and can't accept calls without feeling guilty? I am open for comments. I know that it is crucial to have a break from work, but how can you fully relax yourself and not worry?

One tip I can say that works is from reading an article about being mindfulness. Which means to be aware of what you are doing. For instance, if you run or walk, do you ever think about your sensations like the movement of your legs, or intake/output of your breaths for a moment? Or do you feel like your mind roams and thinks of all sorts of situations, negatives or positives? Unaware of your thoughts you start to wonder why do I think about these things. Well, this is the kind of reasons why some people can't enjoy their vacations to their fullest. Their mind is unaware or detached from the beautiful beaches or landscapes. Their mind gets bottled up or caught up to all sorts of situations that they might not even notice what they were doing earlier. Its like doing two things at the same time, but your memory could only capture one.

It takes time to practice to learn to be more aware. As we get older we have more things to think and worry. Which I believe shows responsibilty and judgement. Yet, for us, we need clarity and restoration for our mind/body to be healthy. So the solution is to be aware of your surroundings and focus on any particular event/ place/ object/ scene/ conversation etc... Hopefully, you would be able to remove yourself from the worries or stressful thoughts. Just observe and use your senses to feel or interact with your surroundings. Hopefully, you would notice that you would be able to enjoy and remember more of your vacation for years.

Bon Voyage!

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